Could This Be Love Read online

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  RaShawn paid the man and then jumped out of the car. His sister was inside and although he was thankful that the cops were on the way, he had no time to wait for them. He would just take his chances with Jesus.


  “You shot him.” Marcus dropped down next to his father. “Dad, are you okay… say something.”

  “I should have shot him a long time ago.” Liza felt no sympathy for the man she married and planned to spend the rest of her life with. But her real venom was for his son and now that her husband was no longer in the way, she was about to unleash all the fury she had left in her.

  “Why did you do it? Why couldn’t you have just left our family alone?” Tears streamed down Marcus’ face as he held on to the lifeless body of his hero. He knew that his father wasn’t perfect, but that hadn’t stopped him from loving and respecting the man.

  “Watch out, Marcus,” Raven yelled. From within her cage she could see black tentacle-like arms coming out of Liza’s body and the finger nails being implanted into Marcus’s scalp.

  Marcus’ hands went to his head. “It hurts, it hurts real bad, Raven. Pray for me.”

  “Her prayers will do you no good today,” Liza barked, her voice sounding deeper than it normally did. “I told you before that you were our golden boy. Nothing has changed. I didn’t spend all those years married to your father just to give up the vision that we have for you.”

  “I don’t want any part of your vision,” Marcus said as he closed his eyes trying to stop the exploding pain that was entering his brain.

  “I am your vision, Marcus. Don’t you understand anything yet? For almost twenty years I have given you and your father every vision you’ve come up with. Then you go and marry little miss holy ghost over there and think that you’re going to stop me. Not possible, so let me tell you what you’re going to do, if you want your little wife to remain alive.”

  “Don’t hurt her. I’ll do whatever you want.” Marcus was trying his best to fight back against the pain, but he didn’t have the strength.

  “No,” Raven yelled from within her cage. “You promised me, Marcus… you promised me.”

  He knew that she wanted him to be her Phinehas, he wanted that too. But it was so hard to keep that promise with a gun to his head and the threat of harm to his family. He wanted to stand up and do what was right. Rather the people of this world knew it or not, they needed someone to stand up for truth. But could he follow the cause of Christ at the risk of losing everything?

  Raven started praying for him. “Oh Lord, give him strength to stand in this wicked and evil day. Lead him, Lord and guide him. Let him become everything you called him to be. In the name of Jesus,” At that point, Britney and Rita joined in the prayer also.

  Liza wasn’t fazed, she held control over Marcus and knew it. She told him, “You’re going to rehire Brian and you’re going to get Christians to accept the Unity First agenda and then my lord, Satan will have finally won this battle, and your God will simply have to watch all the idiot humans he created be taken over by sin, including the vilest sin that anyone has ever imagined.”

  Marcus’ mind drifted back to those days of his youth when he sat on his mother’s lap and she spoke into his life. She’d called him a man of God. One that would fight to see God’s will be done. He couldn’t turn back, not even if he wanted to. Marcus turned toward Raven, wanting her lovely face to be the last thing he saw before death overtook him. With tears in his eyes, he proclaimed, “I won’t do it. I was born to bring God’s agenda back to this ungodly world. I won’t go back on my promise.”

  “Then I’ll kill you.”

  As Liza lifted the gun, RaShawn entered the basement. His hands were outstretched as he called on the name of Jesus. “Satan, you have no legal right to be here. All the forces of heaven are against you, so back to the pits of hell will you go. No demonic forces will have dominion over this man of God. You will not cause him to pervert this generation. But God has sent him to it to exalt His holy name.”

  The tentacles released Marcus and he dropped to the ground, still holding his head. Liza swung around to face off with RaShawn. She looked at him, trying to pinpoint the sin in his life so that the demonic forces within her could control him. But she could find no sin in this man. Fear clenched her heart as she backed away from him.

  RaShawn advanced on her, his hands still outstretched. “In Jesus’ name I command that you come out, you diabolical demon from the very pit. You have convinced this woman that there is pleasure in sin and that the world loves nothing more than to sin against God. But I have come to call you a liar. There are many in this world who desire to see the kingdom of God and to do His will. So, we banish you now and declare God’s will in this situation. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for sending your angels to escort this demon back from whence he came.”

  Raven had never been more proud of her baby brother than the moment she actually witnessed two angels come as RaShawn had commanded. They pulled the demon out of Liza’s body and then disappeared with him screaming and cackling all the way.

  Liza slumped to the floor next to the senator. As she turned over her husband’s lifeless body, all she could do was lay atop him and cry.

  But she didn’t have long to cry, because the police swarmed into the basement within the next few minutes, handcuffed Liza and unlocked the cages and set them all free. However, Raven sorta thought that Jesus had already set them free about an hour ago when each of them prayed like nothing else mattered.


  The senator had been laid to rest, and Joe was still in critical condition, but Raven had high hopes that he would pull through. She had witnessed so many things in that basement that Raven didn’t think she could be surprised by anything else in life. But when Judge Hartman stormed into her office screaming at her after she had brought her daughter home safe, Raven wondered if a demon was lurking somewhere within this woman who claimed to know God.

  “I don’t understand why you’re upset; you told me you wanted your daughter back. My associate and I moved heaven and earth to get her for you. Joe is in critical condition right now because of how hard he worked on your behalf, and you’re angry? I don’t get it.”

  “I didn’t expect her to be pregnant. I already had to deal with the shame of her being an addict, now it’s all over the news that my daughter was held in a torture chamber of sorts because she had an affair and got pregnant by a senator.”

  “Those are the facts, Judge Hartman. Maybe you should try to talk with Britney to find out why she has been leading such a destructive life. Maybe then the two of you can find some peace.”

  Judge Hartman rolled her eyes heavenward. “I don’t have time to talk to Britney. I have a campaign to salvage, no thanks to you.” She left her office in a huff.

  Raven sat there trying to figure out what had just happened when Marcus walked into her office. He was grinning. She enjoyed seeing that smile on his face, especially since he hadn’t been smiling much lately.

  “You can laugh at me if you want, but I don’t understand what that woman is so mad about.”

  “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen. Britney and I grew up together, so I know how she got so messed up. The wonderful Judge Hartman knew that her husband had been molesting Britney, but did nothing about it because he helped her to get her first seat on the bench. Then the woman got religion, but I don’t think she’s ever made peace with what she did to her daughter.”

  “That’s sad, real sad.” Raven put her hand over her belly and said, “Our baby is going to come first, before your political career and before my business. I won’t allow anything to harm her.”

  “Or him,” Marcus corrected.

  “Whatever, I’m having a girl. I can feel it.”

  “If you say so. Are you ready to go?”

  Raven bit down on her lip as she took a moment. Then said, “I just don’t know if I should leave town right now with Joe still in critical condition.”

oe is going to be all right. I have the best doctors in the field looking after him. You can’t miss your brother’s wedding.”

  “Oh yes I can. They want me to be a bridesmaid again, and I really don’t feel like it. I know I shouldn’t be such a brat because you are a wonderful man to be married to, but I didn’t get my wedding, so I just don’t feel like going to someone else’s… not now.”

  “Your family will never get over it if you don’t show up,” Marcus told her.

  “There are five of us, and extra husbands and wives to go around; they won’t miss us.”

  Marcus put his hand to his head and sat down.

  “What’s wrong?” Raven jumped up. “You’re not getting another headache, are you?” She started squinting, trying to see if any tentacles were going into his skull.

  “No, but if you don’t go to Raleigh with me, I think I’m going to end up with one. I purchased our tickets and took the time off from work. All I need you to do is agree. Your family really needs to see you.”

  “Okay, okay. If it’s that important to you. I’ll go, but you’ll have to drive me home first because I haven’t packed a thing.”

  “I already have your things packed. I shipped them to your parents’ house a week ago.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “I didn’t want to be bothered with luggage. This way we can just get on and off the plane as quickly as possible.”

  “All right, I’m coming, but if I have to be a bridesmaid again, then you owe me a wedding, buster… with all the trimmings.”

  “You got it,” he told her with a sneaky grin on his face.

  Chapter 15

  When she arrived at her parent’s house everyone swarmed around, hugging her and telling her how terrified they were when they heard about what she was going through. Raven didn’t want her family to worry about her, so she played it down, “It wasn’t so bad. God was with me through it all. And I felt your prayers.”

  “One dead and another in critical condition,” Renee said as she came over to the group. “I’d say it was something to worry about. But I’m so glad that God was there for you.” Renee knew a little something about God showing up just when she needed Him most, because He’d been there for her when her ex-boyfriend stalked her and finally kidnapped and tormented her.

  The sisters hugged, and then Nia brought a box into the family room for Raven to open. “Your husband mailed this here for you. So, you might want to open it.”

  Raven glanced at Marcus as she pulled the tape off the box. “I still don’t understand why you mailed our clothes rather than letting me pack.”

  “Just open the box, and stop complaining,” Marcus joked.

  “I’m getting there.” Raven pulled the final piece of tape off the box and then opened the flaps wide. With confusion etched across her face, Raven reached into the box and pulled out the most beautiful sparkling white wedding dress. She’d seen this dress before, but honestly, it looked much better in person than on the pages of a Vogue magazine.

  As she turned towards him with questioning eyes, Marcus said, “I found your wedding book.”

  “But I don’t understand. Why did you send my wedding dress here?”

  Nia stepped forward just then and held out her ring finger. “I don’t think I had a chance to show you this.”

  Raven glanced at her finger and noted that she was no longer just wearing her engagement ring, but the wedding band also. “Why do you have your band on, you and Ronny aren’t getting married until tomorrow.”

  “No sis,” Ronny said as he stepped forward and pulled Nia close to him. “Nia and I got married this morning in our pastor’s office.”

  Raven shook her head, trying but failing miserably at understanding what was going on in this house. “Then why did Marcus and I come down here if you two are already married?”

  Marcus stepped forward this time. He took Raven’s hand in his and then bowed down on one knee. “I know I didn’t handle things right when we got married. I rushed you and didn’t allow you to have all the things you desired for your big day. Let me make that up to you now.”

  Tears streamed down Raven’s face as Marcus added, “I love you so much, Raven. Would you please marry me again?”

  “Did you say you love me?”

  Marcus stood up, took Raven’s face in his hand and pulled her close to him. He kissed her with all the hunger and desire he felt and then he said, “You heard right, Mrs. Allen. Your husband loves you more than anything and I just want to make you happy.”

  “In that case… let’s get married.”


  Not only did Marcus have her dress delivered but he’d even ordered the bride’s maid dresses for her sisters and had them mailed to their homes. “I can’t believe this is happening,” Raven said as she twirled around in her beautiful gown. Her sisters were dressed in the soft pink gowns that were almost exactly like the one she had picked out for them almost ten years ago.

  Raven went over to Nia, who had agreed to be a bride’s maid on the day that was supposed to be her wedding day. “I can’t believe that you are doing this for me.”

  Nia waved the notion away. “I already had a big wedding, when I married my first husband. I don’t need that anymore. All I want is a husband who is healthy and willing to live with me until we grow old and wrinkly together.”

  The two sister-in-laws hugged. “Thank you,” Raven said again.

  “Are you ready, honey,” Ramsey asked as he stood at the door waiting to walk his daughter down the aisle. The moment was bitter-sweet because now that Raven was married, he’d run completely out of daughters to walk down the aisle.

  “I’m ready daddy.” She grabbed hold of his arm and went all in as she walked Maxine and Ramsey’s daughter Brielle sprinkle flower pedals on the floor and then one by one, Joy, Renee and then Nia marched down the aisle as her bride’s maids just as she had done on countless occasions for them and others. But today was her day.

  Exhaling, Raven slowly walked down the aisle. Mama-Carmella was smiling, Raven could imagine her saying, “I told you so. I knew that God had someone prepared for you.”

  And Raven would agree with her step-mother. Because her prince was waiting for her. She saw the tears flowing down his face as he watched her inch closer and closer to him and she knew without a doubt that this was really and truly, finally the love she had been waiting for.


  A year later, Raven was holding their son in her arms as the count came in. He hadn’t won by a landslide but there were still enough people in their state who wanted simple family values back to vote him in for another term. Not only that, but the unemployment was down and the people seemed content with their lives.

  In his acceptance speech, Marcus stood next to Raven and his son saying, “I wish my father was here today. I’d love for him to know that good Godly principles won out over all the ungodly obstacles my opponent threw my way.”

  The crowd cheered him on as Marcus lifted his eyes towards heaven. His mother was up there and he hoped she was watching over him, seeing that he hadn’t forgot the things she taught him. Her time on earth had been short, but necessary. “I thank God for the angel who birthed me and for the angel who gave birth to my son. And I promise you all that we will raise him with Godly values. The world talks a lot about separation of church and state. And I’m no preacher,” he looked back at RaShawn who had been with him during the entire campaign, “I leave the preaching to my brother-in-law. But I am a man of faith, and if you’ll allow me to guide this state in the manner I believe my faith dictates, I can guarantee you that will be able to clean up these streets from violence and drug abuse. Will be able to reunited wayward mothers with their children once again. If we bring back family values, my friends, this nation will once again rise and once again be the glory of the world.”

  Raven beamed with pride for her husband. He was a do-right kind of man. Someone she would be able to trust and so would the nation. He woul
dn’t do them harm just to score political points. Marcus Allen had her vote for whatever office he chose to run for. She would be with him, for every and always.

  To My Readers,

  This story was conceived after I read an article about a Christian organization that decided to go against the word of God and accept the things that man claims are right and true. But here is what the bible says about that:

  Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so, as ye have us for an example. For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ… Philippians 3: 17-20

  Naturally, after reading that article, my heart was heavy, but then I went to Sunday service and an elder at my church preached about Phinehas out of the 25th chapter of the book of Numbers. And suddenly I had my answer, if more of us would be like Phinehas and refuse to allow sin to have a place in the life of believers then we would be able to do some serious damage to the kingdom of darkness.

  With the state the world is now in, I truly believe that the Lord is preparing to come back for His church… will you be ready? Or will you allow the god’s of this world to penetrate your mind and move you so far away from the word of God that you’ll no longer be able to tell the difference between right and wrong? I hope and pray that you will chose life rather than death, chose to be a Phinehas and stand up for God’s truth and righteousness. I’m doing my part by writing this book. But you can do yours by praying for those who you can plainly see need a Savior. Don’t hold the truth of God hostage inside of you. Share it with others.